Code of Ethics

Gerico Security Srl bases its activity on the respect and trust placed in us by our clients, natural or legal persons and other entities that come into contact with us directly or indirectly. We believe that this trust must be reflected in a code of conduct according to a concrete Professional and Behavioural Ethics. All policies are aimed at protecting our interests but first and foremost our clients and the whole community’s interests.
To this end, we have developed and published our code of Ethics.

Download the Code of Ethics


Information Security and Quality Policy

Gerico Security Srl defines its own information security policy related to the realization of an information security management system (SGSI) in compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
Gerico Security Srl bases its policy on the principles of effectiveness and efficiency, guaranteeing the transparency of the operative processes to customers and suppliers in the respect of the information security and in respect of quality principles as established in ISO 9001:2015.

Download Information Security Policy

Privacy Policy

It is company policy not to collect unnecessary data from Customers, Suppliers and occasional Visitors to this institutional website, and we believe it is ethical to avoid any mercenary or unauthorized use of third party data.

Our website does not use specific cookies for data collection. Gerico Security Srl bases its activities on the maximum transparency and ethics.


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